Sunday, December 31, 2017

Here Comes 2018!!!

Perhaps it's a side-benefit of the aging process, 
this perspective that time is flying by so very fast.  
I wish there was a repellent for 
those pesky time-flies!  
Maybe in the New Year I will remember to 
savor the moments and not rush through my day, 
day after day, 
possibly missing the truly important things.

My involvement with the mail art community 
has brought me much inspiration and some 
wonderful friendships which I would not have 
found elsewhere, and for this I am very grateful.

For the first time ever, I am publicly 
listing a few hopeful "resolutions" for 2018:

to be braver in my creative efforts
to make more art and to enjoy the process more
to nurture friendships
to practice better time management (?)
to pay more attention to the blessings around me
to take health improvement and maintenance 
more seriously, among other things...

And to keep up with my correspondence?
And to tidy/organize my workspace?

Oh, and to breathe deeply and often.

I had better write them on a Post-A-Note 
and stick it to my forehead.

May this New Year ahead be even better 
than those behind us.

I wish everyone 
throughout 2018.


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