Thursday, January 30, 2020

Second Watercolor Painting Class

Today's class exercises included examination of the color wheel, opposite and complementary colors, and blending.

Also brushstokes (broad and narrow), dots, and source of light and shadows.

And finally, some of us in the class chose to use the instructor's half-Sunflower painting as inspiration.  Mine needs some finishing touches...
not quite finished, but almost... 

I hope to use what I learned and work with Watercolors more than I have in the past.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Taking a Watercolor Painting Class

A  nearby college has a new program offering discounted workshops and classes for area adults.  I wanted to sign up for the Paper-Making class, but they are offering Watercolor Painting classes first.

These are the exercises we went through today:

We practiced Graded Wash, Flat Wash, Variegated Wash.  Dry Brush, Dry on Wet, Wet on Dry Paper.  The Wet-on-Wet (purple/blue/red) effect was gorgeous until I ruined it by adding more water.  Phooey!  The rainbow line across the bottom was Watercolor Pencils scribble, with water applied after the colors were laid down.

Shown below, we used masking tape resist, crayon resist, alcohol dripped on wet paint (THAT was really cool!!!), resist liquid, scrunched plastic wrap and aluminum foil, paint on a sponge, sponge on wet paint (pleasing effect!), sandpaper on dry paint, Exacto knife scratched on dry paint, table salt and Kosher salt on wet paint, and straight-edge scrape.  

It was fun!  I especially liked the effect of alcohol drops on wet watercolor paint.  And of course, I had to play around with the drip method, which I've been using for a few years with the mail art group.

Here ares some of my watercolor paintings from a few years ago before I knew what I was doing:
by hhc

by hhc

by hhc

by hhc

by hhc

by hhc

Monday, January 20, 2020

This n' That

stickers and rubber stamps over acrylic paint

rubber stamps and collage over acrylic paint

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Couple of New Pieces

Collage over smooshed acrylic paints

Asemic Writing and collage over acrylic paints

Thursday, January 9, 2020

An Envelope Booklet

This booklet is made of long business envelopes.  I've made a few, but I really, really liked the way this one turned out, and it took me several years to be able to part with it.  Besides using scrap book papers, some of the pages are collaged over acrylic paint (with some Gelli plate printing, too).  There are two pockets in which treasures are tucked, of course.  I recently took these pictures to remember and for inspiration, hoping to make more of these in the future...


First Pocket

Back of Second Pocket

Second Pocket

Back of Second Pocket

Zine tucked into pocket