Saturday, November 3, 2018


  • Yellow poplar leaves of different sizes, round and tooth-edged, scattered like so much confetti on the shoulder of the road, skittering along when cars swish by.

  • Wild geese calling as they fly just above the bare treetops.

  • A crinkly Monarch butterfly riding on my hand all the way to the Post Office and back.  Watching it drink hummingbird nectar from a jar lid.  Checking on it while it stayed around all day until strong gusts of wind carried it (and the deck furniture) away. 

  • The full moon like a stadium light, brightening the midnight sky.

  • Orion's defining stars overhead, twinkling sharply in the deep dark canopy of a clear night.

  • A fickle breeze playing with the window curtains.

  • White frost outlining a fallen brown leaf.
  • Hungry songbirds at the feeder waiting for me to add more seeds.

  • Finding two packs of usable salmon-colored copy paper discarded by the sidewalk.

  • Hearing from a long-silent distant friend.

  • Making my postmistress laugh despite the stress she faces everyday.

"These are a few of my favorite things..."

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