I was unable to keep in touch with my childhood friends. Likewise some adult friendships have also faded with time. This is sad, but true.
I guess an offshoot of "Out of sight, out of mind" was, for me, the unconscious assumption that people would forget about me, or not care any more when I moved away. I call it the "Eeyore complex" referencing Winnie The Pooh's sanguine donkey friend.
On a farm in Tennessee... |
How does one place a value upon friendship? It is priceless! As someone has said, "They know all (or at least a lot) about me and still love me."
I doubt that I can say anything profound about friendship that has not already been said.
Or like a butterfly in the wild, free to alight, or not, at its own choosing- leaving the observer with a sense of awe and delight.
I hope those people in my life for whom I feel affection, those who are encouragers, those who appreciate and accept me for who I am, the ones who lift my spirits and make my heart smile--- I do hope they know that I count them as precious. I am so thankful for the enduring gift of their friendship. My wish is to be as good a friend to each of them.
How much richer, indeed, is life when kind hearts find each other.