Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Another Batch of Decorated Envelopes

Some of these started as 
purchased white envelopes, 
the rest were made from 
card stock and folded in half.  

Monday, September 25, 2017

Decorated Envelopes from Brown Packing Paper

White acrylic paint layer added to brown paper strip

Scrunched blue tissue paper adhered with Mod Podge

Pink acrylic paint applied with round sponge

Rubber stamped images, collage, stitched sides

Lime green paint applied with round sponge

Rubber stamped image and collage added, edges stitched

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Design Transfer: Gelli Plate & Packaging Tape

Today I experimented with laying down acrylic paint patterns on my large Gelli plate.  It took some time for each layer/color to dry so I walked away, checking back often until the appearance was matte instead of shiny. I purposefully left some "blank" space so that whatever background I might use later would show through.
I forgot that the paint I applied first to the Gelli Plate would be at the bottom of the layering and wouldn't show up as well as if I had applied it last.  

The first layer was gold paint rings inside each other.  Next I added gold dots with the end of a small paintbrush handle.  Using a soda bottle cap, I filled the center of the smaller circles with pink paint.

Blue stripes were made easy by cutting paper strips, laying them down parallel to each other like a mask with space in between and then painting with a brush.  A medium brush was used for bright yellow "squiggly" lines.
There are small black quotation marks applied with a very thin brush.  Some plastic webbing pressed into black paint added grid designs.  Last of all, a large brush made the wide stripes of green paint.
I covered part of the dry design with a strip of heavy duty clear packaging tape, pressed it down and burnished with a plastic card and my finger.  Carefully peeling off the tape revealed the design transfer.  I laid the tape strips out, sticky side up until I decide what to do with them.
I think I would try this again with different colors, different shapes, different arrangements.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017

Early Morning Color

Although it's not yet officially Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, the foliage began changing weeks ago.  For some reason, what I see in the rising sunlight is so much more vivid than what the camera can capture, but here is my best attempt to show you some natural beauty:

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Gelli Plate Prints, Stencils, Rubber Stamps

Autumn's Beauty

I just wanted to share some pictures 
from past adventures: 

Near Fontana Dam, TN

Northern NYS

Rails to Trails biking/walking path, northern NYS

Wild blueberry bushes, Roan Mt, TN

Lake George Park, NYS

View from Rondaxe Mt., Adirondacks, NYS
Mist over Black River, NYS

Monday, September 11, 2017

Our Hearts Remember 09-11-01

We will remember:
Exactly where we were when this happened...
Exactly what we felt:  
disbelief, horror, immense grief, worry for loved ones...
How paralyzed we were, watching the details over and over and over again on the news...
And realize how absolutely necessary it is
to never forget. 

Wall Quilt I made for a "Men's Choice" quilting group challenge - hhc

Details of a wall quilt I made... to remember 

Written by a neighbor-friend-poet S.A.

Written by a neighbor-friend-poet  S.A.