Monday, April 30, 2018

Some Casual Altered Rolodex Cards

I am finally getting back to making 
some small-scale art to swap.
I remember when I was so enchanted
by altered Rolodex cards, despite the
challenge of putting together a design
on such a limited space.  
Perhaps there is a time, a place,
a season for everything?

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Nature's Small Treasures

I picked up these acorns
by a roadside one autumn,
and found the empty snail shells 
under shrubbery
by a store parking lot.  Pretty! 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Preparing for Dendritic Swap

Using two clear/translucent smooth 
plastic/lucite container lids, I
 placed dots of liquid acrylic paints
on the bottom surface, covered it with the 
second surface, pressed the dots firmly
until the dendritic patterns formed, 
then gently pulled the two surfaces apart.  
Next I placed a piece of paper on both surfaces 
and lifted off the dendritic pattern
without smearing it. 
Results:  two mirror-image designs each time.

Some previous projects:

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Finally The Crocuses Opened - Updated

Every time I looked at the crocuses 
they were closed due to the cold 
and lack of sunshine.  
With the temperature almost 60 
and the sun shining brightly today, 
this was perhaps my last chance 
to take these pictures.
The bees were happy!

Not yet opened

the frost had made this one translucent

 Maybe warmer temperatures are here 
to stay...  Here are a few more pictures:

Thursday, April 19, 2018

GelliArts Mono-printing Workshop Prep Pictures

I pinned up lots of sample mono-prints 
on a cardboard folding room screen.

One thing became evident:  each person 
needs LOTS of room to work and dry her art.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Rhubarb Development - Updated

Perhaps because it's the most noticeable 
bright spot in the melting/freezing/
melting landscape...  
Here's an update on the growth 
of one rhubarb plant...

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Do Plants Have Brains? Update

Just a few days ago I noticed the rhubarb plants 
emerging from the warming soil.  
Their colors, pink and green, were vivid enough 
that I thought I should take a picture 
Here are two:

And now these developments:

Yes, that's some April snow...

Monday, April 2, 2018

Natural Elements Gelli Plate Play

During a recent Gelli Arts mono-printing demonstration 
(practicing for the up-coming workshop)
I used leaves and ferns for the first time.  
Last fall I had pressed/dried some leaves in books. 
Dry maple leaves made perfect resists.
My dried fern stuck to the wet paint and began disintegrating.

I also found some leaves and ferns where
the snow has recently melted away.
  The fresh foliage held up much better.