Thursday, May 31, 2018

Southern Mountain Trees


Rhododendron in Misty Woods

Tulip Poplar

Possibly Black Locust (with thorns)


Moss Encrusted

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

There And Back Again

Steep and Winding Forestry Access Road
Over the long weekend I enjoyed 
some beautiful vistas to the south, 
and visited some very special people. 
It rained, but I think I ended up with 
some good photo's nevertheless. 
Misty Morning

Red Mica

Matchstick Moss

Mountain Laurel

Raindrops on Mountain Laurel

Raindrops on New Pine Tree

Colorful Maple Leaves

It sure is good to be back home, though!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Consider The Lilies...

The building contractor is due this week 
to start major repairs to this old house.  
I was worried that he would trample 
the lovely orange Turk's Cap lilies in the garden
so this morning I moved 
at least ten plants to a spot by the porch.  
They look a little wilted now.
I hope they will survive.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Spring Flowers After Rain

Today I grabbed my camera, went out, 
and took a little walk about the lawn.

Water droplets accented the lupine whorls:

The allium were almost all open:

Ghostly silvery ferns rested on the ground:

Then the Bleeding Hearts caught my attention:

Blue bells on stalks tucked among the hostas 
showed some color:

And raindrops beaded up on the 
larger hosta leaves:

Monday, May 14, 2018

More Security Envelope Liner Patterns

It's odd how sometimes I can't seem to get
inspired until the last moment... 


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Dendritic Design Elements (post cards)

Here are eight collage cards I made up 
using painted shapes and bits while preparing 
for a current Dendritic mail art swap: