Friday, November 20, 2015

Distractability Factor - What's Cooking?

Today the coffee staining process was again calling my name.  This time instead of just soaking the papers , I heated the oven to about 250' F.  Putting two sheets of crumpled/straightened stationery in rusty cookie sheets, I wet them with coffee water and left them to bake in the oven.

While I was in the craft room/art studio looking for envelopes, I promptly found a new quest: searching for some photographic nature greeting cards from a former business venture.  Perhaps I could offer them through Etsy.  Along the way I came across my syllabus for two quilt-making courses I taught some years ago through Cornell Cooperative Extension.  Why am I saving those? When I eventually walked back into the kitchen I remembered- the coffee papers.

As you can see, they are indeed darker when baked, especially for a half hour or more.  Yikes!

Does the term "Burnt to a crisp." come to mind?

The two photo's below show the backs of some of the pieces, not too bad, um, well?

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