Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Playing With Dylusions Inks

 Watching YouTube art technique demonstration can lead to purchasing new art materials and then- spending hours trying them out.

I recently ordered some Dylusion Shimmer Inks online.  Yesterday's art session resulted in these full-sheet pieces.  I used stencils on some, and flicked gold Alcohol Ink spots on others:

which made these 1/2 -sheet notes:

and these Artist Trading Card Backgrounds:

and consequently, these very inky fingers:

OOPS, no photograph available.  It did take some scrubbing to remove the ink stains.  Note to self:  wear painters plastic gloves next time.  Since these are spray inks, I highly recommend putting down lots of freezer paper or brown packing paper over the work surface to protect it.  I think I will try a spray fixitive now that the pieces are dry, as the ink still comes off when handled. 

 A cardstock or sturdy paper would also be be better than copy paper as the inks do soak in a bit when wet.

But the colors are SO gorgeous and vivid.  I can't wait to use these papers and make more sometime soon.

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