Thursday, April 30, 2020


There's a funny story behind this and-
I'm not going to tell it.
Anyway, this design started with
a York mint patty which
became a chocolate mint hashtag.
(Nice Hull plate, right?)

How can you go wrong mixing chocolate and mint?

STAY TUNED:  ~28 days to go

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Few More Masks

Another sewing session yielded three more 
reversible fabric masks with ties, three pleats 
and lined with interfacing.

Side One
Side Two


After purchasing a large bag of mixed
frozen fruit, I discovered some large
strawberries that sparked creativity.
So, here is one, sitting on a dab of
runny frosting.  Tasty!

(Glass beads not edible.)

Stay Tuned:  ~29 days to go

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Red and black on white:

7 frozen red grapes
1 frozen cranberry
8 toothpicks (not edible)

One-fourth of the way through this adventure
Stay tuned:  30 days to go

Monday, April 27, 2020


Here is a tropical-themed OREO cookie.
All that's missing is the paper umbrella
and an exotic flower!

Chunks of pineapple
with a sprinkling of shredded coconut
and a drizzle of grass green frosting.
Not on the menu at any classy restaurant
near you...

Stay tuned:  ~31 days to go

Sunday, April 26, 2020


This is my OREO version of STONE HENGE made with almond butter and chopped dates.  I know - pretty lame.  Sometimes inspiration is illusive.

Maybe tomorrow I'll come up with a real winner.  We shall see...

Stay tuned:  ~32 days to go

Masked Endeavor

No, these are NOT bikinis! 

As of last night I have officially jumped onto the 
mask-making train, although 
I have no idea how many 
I will make, or whether the design will evolve.  

Working with some gorgeous Batik cotton fabrics 
saved from my quilting stash 
of years ago makes me smile, 
as I love their intense colors 
and abstract designs.

I was recently given some face masks 
with elastic ear loops which  
I found very uncomfortable and unreliable 
(popping off in WalMart, of all places!!!).  
Maybe my ears aren't attached very well.  
Who knew???  

So, I chose to make up some
 two- (four-) tie designs.  

(My inspiration was from 
Amanda Perna's YouTube
on how to construct masks.)  

With three deep pleats, the reversible masks 
cover/fit very well from the bridge of the nose 
(even without wire inserts) 
to under the chinny-chin chin,
depending upon how much you fan out the pleats.

I also included a layer of thick interfacing, 
allowing acceptable breatheability 
always is a good thing!  
They can be hand-washed in soap and hot water.  
Maybe machine washed too?
I'll have to try it.

I am very glad that I had my trusty old 
Singer Stich n' Sew 
tuned up about six months ago.  
Perfect timing!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Today I amended the cherry frosting, 
adding pineapple juice.
Sprinkles are fun!
You can't see the 7th OREO cookie
but it is underneath the pink goo.

Stay tuned:  ~33 days to go

Friday, April 24, 2020

Re-Posting Older Scrapbook Pages

I haven't decorated Scrapbook Pages 
in quite a while.  
I guess I needed a reminder 
of how much fun it can be! 


 This simple arrangement just seemed like it would be fun.  All it took was one black grape cut in half.  (Okay, I stretched the "one cookie" parameters, but I promise - I did put the two cookies back together and only ate one after taking these pictures.)

                            Stay tuned:  ~34 days to go

Thursday, April 23, 2020


                                       Time to wake up 
                                those sleepy tastebuds!
                       This OREO cookie was drizzled with 
                   chocolate icing flavored with peppermint,
                           then topped with almond slices.

Stay tuned:  ~35 days to go

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Good Morning!  
Guess what I'm having for breakfast?

This cheery flower has only three ingredients:
1 Oreo cookie
diagonal-cut Carrot slices
1 Sprig of Celery

Stay tuned:  ~36 days to go

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Today after skipping down 
the baking supplies aisle at two stores,
 I came home with some goodies. 
So- here is my third decorated OREO cookie. 
It has a swirl of green frosting 
and some colorful chocolate balls on top.  
Now THIS one was actually VERY yummy!!! 
(Is my tongue green?)

Stay tuned:  ~37 days to go 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Ice Blobs Under Wellhead

The little things grab my attention sometimes.
Sunlight was sparkling on these ice formations
but by the time I ran to grab my camera,
the shadows had shifted, of course.
April 20, 2020


Today I chose sliced Swiss cheese 
and a split red grape 
to enhance my Oreo cookie.
(By the way, OREO's don't seem to taste as good
as I remember from my childhood, 
the cookie part is very dry and crumbly.  
Wah wah wah...
Maybe after day #40
I'll give them up once and for all...)

Stay tuned.... ~38 days to go

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Day # 1

For my first attempt at controlled cookie consumption, I topped this Oreo cookie with a slice of frozen banana and five semi-sweet chocolate chips.  hmmmmmmm

Stay tuned... ~39 days to go

A Most Difficult Personal Challenge

I must have too much time on my hands to think up crazy schemes.  This is a very foolish endeavor.  And it might be doomed to failure.  But...

My most recent foray to WalMart found me wandering the candy/cookie aisle (dangerous territory) and- I succumbed to temptation and purchased a package of approximately 40 Double Stuf OREO cookies which I promptly stashed out of sight in  my kitchen cupboard.

Here's the dilemma:  Once I open the package, I will be tempted to stress-eat as many as I can until I get sick of them.

However, this idea popped into my head:  WHAT IF I challenge myself to ONLY EAT ONE A DAY?  And to make it easier to be accountable, I post my progress on this blog site?

To add interest, WHAT IF I make myself do something different with EVERY SINGLE COOKIE, like topping/decorating it (or sandwiching it) with something different every day and then post pictures of my experiments?  Since I can only think of two or three options at this writing, that could, indeed, be challenging.  Oh, I just thought of another possibility...

I hope I can be creative, and, I hope I can succeed (to continue, and to not eat them all up before I complete the challenge). 

For those who follow this blog and have nothing better to do, check up on me every day for approximately 40 days and make comments if you are so inclined.  Thanks!   Wish me luck!  (And promise to not ask me to weigh myself before and after...)

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Chipmunk Charm

These cuties arrived mid-March.
Pictures (some by JNC) taken mid-April:

Three out of Five

Two teeth

Two noses
Heads or Tails

Half asleep

Mother and Baby
No Way Out
Don't worry, he made it back to the nest, all by himself.

I think Mom went down there...

They are SO cute...

Thursday, April 9, 2020


The holidays are coming and going as time blurs...  
All good wishes for HOPE, JOY, and PEACE 
during this Holy Season.

Baby Robin

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Encouraging Stickers

Okay, maybe I have too much time on my hands.  Or maybe I'm desperately trying to stir my creative energy, but...  I made up these stickers to put on my outgoing mail.  Maybe next, I'll make some art to share.