Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Most Difficult Personal Challenge

I must have too much time on my hands to think up crazy schemes.  This is a very foolish endeavor.  And it might be doomed to failure.  But...

My most recent foray to WalMart found me wandering the candy/cookie aisle (dangerous territory) and- I succumbed to temptation and purchased a package of approximately 40 Double Stuf OREO cookies which I promptly stashed out of sight in  my kitchen cupboard.

Here's the dilemma:  Once I open the package, I will be tempted to stress-eat as many as I can until I get sick of them.

However, this idea popped into my head:  WHAT IF I challenge myself to ONLY EAT ONE A DAY?  And to make it easier to be accountable, I post my progress on this blog site?

To add interest, WHAT IF I make myself do something different with EVERY SINGLE COOKIE, like topping/decorating it (or sandwiching it) with something different every day and then post pictures of my experiments?  Since I can only think of two or three options at this writing, that could, indeed, be challenging.  Oh, I just thought of another possibility...

I hope I can be creative, and, I hope I can succeed (to continue, and to not eat them all up before I complete the challenge). 

For those who follow this blog and have nothing better to do, check up on me every day for approximately 40 days and make comments if you are so inclined.  Thanks!   Wish me luck!  (And promise to not ask me to weigh myself before and after...)

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