Thursday, May 21, 2020

DAY #33 - Oreo Cookie Challenge

While I was wandering around 
an Amish country store
the bulk candy aisle called my name.
I just couldn't resist some
triple-coated malt balls.
Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Here's a stack of five
(sawed-off for balance)
on top of an OREO Cookie base.

By the time this adventure ends, 
I will be O.C.S.

STAY TUNED:  ~7 days to go!


Anonymous said...

I remember malted milk balls! I've never run into
triple coated either.
They look like a chocolate
version of stuffed olives to me.

Cynthia said...

Triple coated malted milk balls AND an Oreo cookie! That's for me!

KR said...

These 3X malt balls were THE BEST I have EVER tasted!!! Honi