Wednesday, May 27, 2020

DAY #39 - Oreo Cookie Challenge

Beware the temptation of check-out line displays!
This OREO cookie has an added filling
of peanut butter, and
is sandwiched between 
two King-Sized Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
WOW!  That was a mouthful!

I've eaten more candy
during this cookie challenge
than I have in the past year!!!
I'll be glad to be finished,
as this is NOT good for my diet!

Avoid the cookie/candy aisle.

STAY TUNED:  1 day to go!


Anonymous said...

There are king size Reeses Cups? We had a cat that went nuts over Reeses Cups. We found out when our son emptied out his Halloween candy on the floor one year, and our cat zeroed in on the Reeses Cups and wanted them. Of course, we fed him some. He just loved them. I'll bet you're excited that there is one day left of your Oreo challenge. Mary

KR said...

Is it cats or dogs that are not supposed to have chocolate? I will be SO VERY glad to have this self-imposed challenge completed. It has been fun, it has been a strain on my creativity, it has been too much sugar comsumption... I hope I have learned my lesson. Thanks again for your support and encouragement. I would love to know after tomorrow what your favorite combination was, whether by visual interest or potential flavor appeal. Honi